
How to correctly deal with magnetic flap liquid level meter under negative pressure condition of fault

by:Kaidi Sensors     2020-10-01
In magnetic flap liquid level meter in the beginning, is installed and used in a positive pressure environment, usually of the type of exposure of liquid medium level measurement, such as water and sewage, is basically some will neither sticky nor ordinary liquid crystal. With the continuous development of industry, improvement of production technology, production technology progress, magnetic level gauge turning gradually began to all kinds of high viscosity and produce negative pressure under the condition of liquid level, although now magnetic flap in the negative pressure level measurement is no problem, but because of the negative pressure condition is relatively complicated, which involves various comprehensive factors do not pay attention to will affect the normal measurement, I write this article is in the negative pressure environment magnetic flap level gauge when using typical fault is analyzed, its solution, puts forward the measures to solve these problems, to guide users to improve the ability of troubleshooting and solve. With magnetic flap liquid level meter is completely isolated from indicating device measured medium, good sealing performance, leakage protection, etc, to adapt to the corrosion condition of level measurement and high reliability, good vibration resistance, simple structure, convenient installation, low maintenance cost, has been in power, petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, environmental protection, shipbuilding, construction, food and other industries widely used. The company the user with a Shanghai company thermal compressor low-temperature multi-effect distillation desalination strong brine, distilled water and condensate liquid level measurement using magnetic flap with far eastone level gauge. To prevent fouling, under the condition of the low temperature water reached the boiling point, for seawater desalination device in a state of negative pressure, normal run time for - 0. About 093 mpa, the magnetic flap for the user level gauge used must meet process requirements, the following description is the instrument under negative pressure condition typical fault analysis of pipeline leakage. 1 device main body, fault phenomenon means the sea freshwater U3 started to 30% ~ 70% of the concentrated brine level gauge fluctuations, without exception, check the level ontology to gauge after the upper and lower valve down, level measurement fluctuation is reduced, but the failure phenomenon did not disappear. By using damping down the opportunity to drop water desalination U3 main load and find the cause of the problem. Will the level upper and lower valve fully closed and remove the bottom plug, open the drain valve exhaust pollution treatment, thoroughly testing magnetic float, no abnormalities are found. When the parameter is a wave phenomenon exists. Try again after strong brine level gauge change of commissioning, found that the liquid level meter liquid level display bigger, more frequent fluctuations. After trying to find containers (and level measurement See figure 1) Connection pipe welding place has funnelled, after sealing on the funnelled level measurement according to restore stability, load state production back to normal. Second, analysis the cause of the problem from the actual situation in fault occurs strong brine actual level and no fluctuations, but the magnetic ball float liquid level gauge internal turning is indeed in the floating up and down, thus rendering the liquid level fluctuation. Magnetic flap closure level gauge on the valve and stop fluctuation, can judge the floating ball is floating up and down due to air water mixture and negative pressure caused by environment interaction. The gas from the magnetic flap at the bottom of the liquid level meter, drive the floating ball, magnetic flap upper level gauge with negative pressure environment, when the internal gas wear out of the water level gauge in the negative pressure environment, due to the smaller size and make the floating ball back, so, cause the liquid level fluctuation. Three, propose solutions ( 1) Maintenance is not only to inspection on magnetic level gauge ontology turning, also check all pipe and flange. Given the strong brine corrosion, pipeline connected with level gauge should be replaced periodically. ( 2) The negative pressure condition magnetic flap liquid level meter liquid level display wave phenomenon occurs, according to the following steps are analyzed and solved. (1) * check the magnetic level gauge flap according to situation, if the magnetic flap showed stable, is liquid level transmitting unit and signal transmission part of the problem, continue to measure the three cheong liquid level transmitter output current signal, control the output current of distribution isolator contained in the signal and the circuit is normal, so as to find out fault point. Magnetic flap (2) if the liquid level gauge display case and upper fluctuation, fluctuation intensity, shut off three chang * level gauge connected to the measuring of the container valve, open the drain valve, at the same time to continue to check the level floating ball itself if there is a problem, if no problem, just check the liquid level gauge, plug and whether the drain valve and connecting flange leak, at the same time, by changing the level of upper and lower valve opening to observe the level of volatility. Through the above measures can determine the level of good or bad. (3) check the level measurement containers and even tube funnelled. In this paper by embellish instrument technology co. , LTD. Arrange release.
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