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What is the measuring principle of level gauge?

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What is the measuring principle of level gauge?

What is the measuring principle of level gauge?


In everyday life, when we choose something, the first thing we do is to learn about it. The liquid level meter is no exception, before choosing to fully understand it, then understand its working principle is the first step, which is the most basic thing to do. Today, we make a simple science popularization on the measurement principle of several common liquid level meters, including radar level meters.


First of all, it is a measuring instrument based on the principle of time travel and frequency difference, radar waves work at the speed of light, and the running time can be converted into level signals through electronic components.Then there is the ultrasonic level meter, which detects the liquid level according to the principle that the time interval between the transmission of sound waves and the reception of reflected echoes is proportional to the height of the liquid level.


Then there is the float type liquid level meter and the float type liquid level meter. The float type liquid level meter is designed and manufactured according to the principle of constant buoyancy. The structure of the float type liquid level meter is mainly based on the principle of buoyancy and static magnetic field. The float level meter is based on the principle of variable buoyancy, and the intelligent electric float level meter is a liquid level measuring instrument designed according to Archimedes' law and magnetic coupling principle.

Finally, talk about the steel strip level meter and tuning fork level meter, the former is designed and manufactured according to the principle of mechanics. The working principle of the latter is to make the tuning fork vibrate at a certain resonance frequency through a pair of piezoelectric crystals installed on the base of the tuning fork, so as to achieve the purpose of measurement.


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