
How to Verify the Performance of Electromagnetic Flow Meters

by:Kaidi Sensors     2022-09-07
Abstract: How to verify the performance information of electromagnetic flowmeters is provided by excellent flowmeter and flowmeter manufacturers. Most qualification experiments for electromagnetic flowmeters are performed with liquid flowing through the flowmeter and calibration specification equipment or reference flowmeters. Care should be taken to ensure that the liquid in the experimental pipeline moves evenly and stably, and is not subject to rapid fluctuations in some speeds due to disturbances. More flowmeter manufacturers choose models and price quotations. You are welcome to inquire. The following is the details of the article on how to verify the performance of electromagnetic flowmeters. Most qualification experiments for electromagnetic flowmeters are performed with liquid flowing through the flowmeter and calibration specification equipment or reference flowmeters. Care should be taken to ensure that the liquid in the experimental pipeline moves uniformly and stably, and is not affected by the rapid fluctuation of some speeds due to disturbances. Such perturbations frequently occur with respect to the Reynolds number range characteristic of the active conditions of industrial processes. There are the following methods for the performance appraisal of electromagnetic flowmeters: 1. It is necessary to maintain the closest contact between the appraisal group and the manufacturer. When deciding on the experimental procedure, you should pay attention to the manufacturer's technical description of the appearance, and seek advice from the manufacturer on the experimental procedure and experimental results. 2. The reference flowmeter or calibration standard equipment should be of suitable size to include the flow rate of the flowmeter under test. If the flowmeter needs to be installed in a test equipment, then these test equipment need to be explained: the accuracy level of the reference standard system should be at least twice the accuracy level of the device under test. 3. During the experimental period, any adjustment of the electromagnetic flowmeter should be recorded, and the influence of these adjustments on the energy under the reference conditions should be determined, and expressed as a percentage of the output range. 4. At the entrance of the upstream straight pipe, the liquid flow should be axisymmetric, and there should be no significant pulsations and vortices. It should be recognized that there are many types of reference standard equipment used for flow measurement Devices that measure in basic units such as time are often referred to as master datums. Other equipment that has been calibrated with soil references, including certain flow meters. The above is the whole content of this article. You are welcome to inquire about the flowmeter selection and quotation of our factory. 'How to Verify the Performance of Electromagnetic Flow Meters'
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