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What are the different characteristics of commonly used flow meters?

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What are the different characteristics of commonly used flow meters?

What are the different characteristics of commonly used flow meters?


DP flow meters (DP)

This is the most common flow technology and includes orifice plates, venturi tubes and sonic nozzles. It can be used to measure the flow rate of most liquids, gases and vapors.DP flow meters have no moving parts and are widely used and easy to use. However, when clogged, it incurs a pressure loss that affects accuracy. The accuracy of the flow measurement depends on the accuracy of the pressure gauge.

Volumetric flow meters (PD)

Used to measure the volumetric flow rate of a liquid or gas, it introduces the fluid into the metering space and counts the number of revolutions. Impellers, gears, pistons, or orifice plates are used to divert the fluid.The PD flowmeter is highly accurate and is one of several methods of measuring viscous liquids. However, it is also subject to irrecoverable pressure errors and the need for moving parts.

Volumetric flow meters

Turbine flow meter

When fluid flows through a turbine flow meter, the fluid causes the rotor to rotate. The speed of rotation of the rotor is related to the speed of the fluid. The average flow rate of the fluid, as sensed by the rotor, is used to derive the flow rate or total volume. Clean liquids and gases can be accurately measured. Like PD flow meters, turbine flow meters are subject to unrecoverable pressure errors and also require moving parts.

Electromagnetic flow meter

Measuring principle: Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction proves that a conductor moving in a magnetic field will inductively generate an electric potential. With the electromagnetic measuring principle, the fluid is the conductor in motion. The induced potential is proportional to the flow velocity and is detected by two measuring electrodes, which are then amplified by a transmitter, which calculates the flow rate based on the cross-sectional area of the pipe.

Fluids with conductive properties have a velocity that can be obtained by measuring the voltage when flowing through an electromagnetic field. Best electromagnetic flow meters have no moving parts and are not affected by the fluid. Measurement of conductive fluids is highly accurate when the tube is full. Electromagnetic flow meters can be used to measure the flow rate of slurry fluids.

Electromagnetic flow meter

Ultrasonic flow meter

The propagation time method and the Doppler effect method are methods often used by ultrasonic flow meters to measure the average velocity of a fluid. Like other velocity meters, it is a meter for measuring volumetric flow. It is an unobstructed flow meter and does not need to be inserted if the ultrasonic transmitter is installed outside the pipe for measurement. It is suitable for almost all liquids, including slurries, with high accuracy. However, fouling of the pipe can affect the accuracy.

Vortex flowmeter

Is placed in the fluid a non-linear vortex generator, vortex speed and fluid speed proportional to a certain percentage, so as to calculate the volume flow rate. The vortex flow meter is suitable for measuring liquids, gases or vapors. It has no moving parts and no fouling problems. Vortex flow meters generate noise and require a high flow velocity of the fluid to generate vortices.

Vortex flowmeter

Thermal Mass Flow Meters

Fluid velocity is measured by measuring the increase in temperature of the fluid or the decrease in the thermal sensor. Thermal mass flow meters have no moving parts or orifices and accurately measure the flow rate of gases. Thermal mass flow meters are one of the few technologies capable of measuring mass flow and one of the few technologies used to measure the flow of large diameter gases.

Coriolis flow meters

This type of flowmeter utilizes a vibrating fluid tube to produce a deflection corresponding to the mass flow rate to be measured. It can be used for mass flow measurement of liquids, slurries, gases or vapors. Accuracy is high. However, regular maintenance of the pipe wall is required to prevent corrosion.

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