
How ultrasonic sensors work

by:Kaidi Sensors     2022-10-01
Ultrasonic sensors use a constant speed of sound to detect the presence or absence of objects. Based on the principle that sound travels at a relatively constant speed, the time it takes for ultrasonic waves to leave the sensor and reflect back after hitting a target object is measured proportional to the distance to the target object. The sensor emits sound pulses that reflect objects entering the wavefield. The reflected sound is picked up by the sensor; when the object is within a specified range, this sound echo produces an output signal. It is essentially the working principle of an ultrasonic sensor. Advantages of ultrasonic sensor ① does not depend on the color or light reflectivity of the object; ② can ignore background objects; ③ detect solids and liquids; ④ linear response with distance, that is, it can give distance indication when connected with measuring device; The above ultrasonic sensor precautions for the sensing range ①Noisy noise may cause false readings; ②It may be difficult to sense sound-absorbing objects in a longer range; ③Ensure that the four square planes are aligned. Ultrasonic sensor applications ① Distance and height measurement ② Industrial level control ③ Glass and transparent object detection ④ Detection of missing parts or objects
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