
The Reasons and Solutions for the Instability of Zeroing of Electromagnetic Flow Meters

by:Kaidi Sensors     2022-08-05
Abstract: The reasons for the instability of electromagnetic flowmeters and their solutions are provided by excellent flowmeter and flowmeter manufacturers and quotation manufacturers. Check the flow of the zero point electromagnetic flowmeter for instability. First, make a preliminary inspection and judgment according to the overall thinking of the process, and then carefully inspect and try to eliminate the faults one by one. The criteria for the order of inspection items listed in the process is that they can be understood by inspection or interrogation without major operations. More flowmeter manufacturers choose models and price quotations. You are welcome to inquire. The following are the reasons for the instability of electromagnetic flowmeters and their solutions. Check the flow of the zero point electromagnetic flowmeter for instability. First, make a preliminary inspection and judgment according to the overall thinking of the process, and then carefully inspect and try to eliminate the faults one by one. The order of inspection items listed in the process is the one that can be inspected or understood without major operations, that is, easy first and then difficult. According to the past on-site inspection experience, the one with higher frequency and higher probability may appear in the future. Check the sequential requests you need. If it is confirmed by preliminary inspection that it is the cause of the latter faults, a detailed inspection can also be made in advance. The pipeline is not filled with liquid or the liquid contains air bubbles, which objectively means that there is no activity in the flow sensor, but there is actually a small amount of activity. The main reasons for this type of failure are the poor airtightness of the shut-off valve of the pipeline, the small leakage detected by the electromagnetic flowmeter, and the misunderstanding of zero-point variation or zero-point instability. It is often encountered that the valve has been used for a long time or the liquid is dirty so that the valve is not fully sealed, especially for large valves. Another common reason is that the flow meter has several branch pipes in addition to the main pipeline, and the valves of these branch pipes are forgotten or neglected to be closed. Sometimes, it is more difficult to confirm that there is no activity in the management system on the spot. At this point, you can press to see if there is any leakage. The liquid conductivity varies or is uneven, causing the zero point to change when stationary, and the output to slosh when active. Therefore, the location of the flow meter should be far away from the injection point or the downstream of the chemical reaction section of the pipeline, and the flow sensor should preferably be installed upstream of these places. If the liquid contains solid phase, or impurities accumulate on the inner wall of the flow metering tube, or scale on the inner wall of the flow metering tube, or the electrode is contaminated by grease, etc., there may be a zero-point change. Since the scale of the inner wall surface and the level of electrode contamination cannot be completely the same and symmetrical, the equilibrium of the initial zero setting is destroyed. The active measure is to remove the dirt and accumulation of scale layer; if the zero position changes little, you can try to re-zero. Changes in the state of the electrical equipment near the flow sensor (such as increased leakage current) result in changes in ground potential, which will also cause changes in the zero point of the electromagnetic flowmeter. The influence of external interference such as pipeline stray current mainly depends on the good grounding maintenance of the electromagnetic flowmeter. Generally, the grounding resistance is required to be less than 10, and the grounding should not be shared with other electrical appliances. Sometimes the environmental conditions are good, and the electromagnetic flowmeter can work normally without grounding, but once the good environment does not exist, the instrument will appear faulty, and it will bring a lot of trouble to check again at that time. Check the flowchart. The insulation drop of the signal circuit will cause the zero point instability. The main reason for the insulation drop of the signal circuit is caused by the insulation drop of the electrode part, but the insulation drop or damage of the signal cable and its wiring terminals cannot be eliminated. Be careful, full of moisture acid mist or powder dust intrusion into the instrument junction box or cable protection layer, so that the insulation falls. The insulation resistance inspection of the signal loop is carried out according to the two parts of the cable side and the flow sensor, and tested with a megohmmeter. Since the signal cable is easy to detect, it can be done first. The surface contact resistance of the electromagnetic flow measurement electrode when filled with liquid and the insulation resistance of the flow measurement electrode after the empty pipe are measured. The above is the whole content of this article. You are welcome to inquire about the flowmeter selection and quotation of our factory. 'The Reasons and Solutions for the Instability of Electromagnetic Flow Meters Returning to Zero'
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