Level transmitters with a magnetostrictive, high-resolution measuring principle are used for continuous level measurement of liquids and are based on determining the position of a magnetic float following the magnetostrictive principle. The magnetic level transmitter is mounted on the outside of a bypass level indicator.Magnetostrictive level transmitters are capable of measuring with an impressive accuracy of 0.05 inches (1.27 mm). This allows facilities tighter tolerances, optimizing their process operations and generating greater ROI.
KDMLI is KAIDI’s standard, high performance magnetic level indicator. KDMLI is a single chamber design with either 2", 2.5", or 3" chamber diameter, as required by the application. There are twelve basic configuration styles, including top mount models. KDMLI magnetic level indicators are produced in a wide range of materials of construction, including plastics. KAIDI also offers one of the most complete selections of process connection types and sizes in the industry. KDMLI may be equipped with a variety of level transmitters and switches, as well as, flag and shuttle indicators with or without stainless steel scales. This enables the KDMLI to be a complete level and monitoring control.
The major application of a magnetic float level sensor is in tanks, sumps and pumps. It is used as a level alarm or indicator and in pumps because it is a highly reliable liquid level detection system, preventing costly or dangerous overflows and low storage levels depending on the application.
Easy to install
Very little maintenance
Compact design
Automatic save you can save manual labor time
Consumes very little energy, perfect for continuous operation
Shows incitation of water levels in any type of tank
Automatic water level indicators ensure no overflows or running of dry pumps
Saves money by using less water and electricity
Can help avoid seepage of walls and roofs due to tanks overflowing
Our technical team will check your specifications and make a best solution for you.