What's Kaidi working time?
Guangdong Kaidi Energy Technology Co., Ltd. employees start their work from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekday, and many of them usually work overtime for clients. Throughout the working time, each staff uses highly efficient time to work on serving clients with their professional skills. Our employees usually work overtime to try and solve the issues customers posed and also do their best to meet the needs of consumers at home and abroad.
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Kaidi has been providing high quality level indicator over the years. We have earned a good reputation among many competitors based in China. As one of Kaidi's multiple product series, radar level meter series enjoy a relatively high recognition in the market. glass level indicator is designed in accordance with the simple and flexible principle. It is easy to install and transport and is in line with the universal standardization of temporary buildings. Enhanced product quality is guaranteed with systematic quality improvement activities. This product can be used in many different industries such as food & beverage, water, energy, pharmaceutical, etc.
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We are moving towards more environmentally friendly practices. We will adopt energy-efficient illumination tools, avoid using equipment with electricity standby modes, and practice effective waste management methods.

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