Is there instruction manual for magnetic level gauge?
The instruction manual for magnetic level gauge is given by Guangdong Kaidi Energy Technology Co., Ltd.. Packing a carefully-compiled and well-printed manual with detailed descriptions about the use, installation, and maintenance methods along with the product, we aim to provide customers with a satisfying experience. On the first page of the manual, step-by-step sum-up regarding installation, use, and maintenance is clearly shown in English. Furthermore, there are some exquisitely-printed pictures displaying every part of the product in detail. You can also ask our staff for the Electronic version of the manual and they will send it through e-mail.
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Kaidi is a company integrating the production and sales of flow meter. As one of Kaidi's multiple product series, temperature transmitter series enjoy a relatively high recognition in the market. The design style of KAIDI air pressure transducer is in line with international standards. It is suitable for extreme pressure conditions. The product features the desired hardness. It has resistance to localized deformation such as indentation, scratching, cutting or bending. This product is easy to install and use.
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Kaidi can create the best temperature transmitter at the most competitive price. Check now!

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