When was Kaidi established?
Guangdong Kaidi Energy Technology Co., Ltd.'s history would be written by all our members and partners. Today, our heritage empowers us to create value for our customers at every level and to perfect Kaidi. Throughout the years, we have made many breakthroughs and strategic choices. We have accumulated bounteous industry experience and reputation.
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Kaidi is a joint venture company integrating glass level indicator production and sales. As one of Kaidi's multiple product series, pressure transmitter series enjoy a relatively high recognition in the market. The product has the advantage of aging resistance. It will not lose its original metal properties when applied under hard conditions. This product is easy to install and use. This product helps to expand the commodity market. Its use is an easy way to put a good in front of customers. Its power ratings can be customized e based on requests.
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Providing customers with valuable, high quality services and products is the aim of the we. Contact!

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