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Several principles for the use of remote level gauges

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Several principles for the use of remote level gauges

Several principles for the use of remote level gauges


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Nowadays, there are many chemical applications that need to use remote level measurement to obtain level data. At this time, the general level gauge is difficult to meet the needs of use, and we need to use a special remote transmission level gauge. Of course, although the remote transmission level gauge is also a kind of level gauge, there are still many points to pay attention to in its use. Many people may not have a special understanding of this. Next, the editor will briefly explain it for you. Several important principles for the use of remote level gauges.


  (1) There should not be any magnetic substance around the remote level gauge, otherwise it will cause the problem of interference of the magnetic float.


  (2) When we want to use heat tracing management to help the remote transmission level gauge to measure, we must choose some non-magnetic materials, so as to ensure that the measurement results are not affected as much as possible.


   (3) The installation of the remote transmission level gauge is first to ensure the verticality, and secondly to be installed firmly. The specific measurement can only be carried out after the flange connection is fully fixed.


  (4) The medium measured by the remote transmission level gauge should be filtered, that is, there must be no solid impurities and magnetic suspensions in it. This is also a larger measurement result for the remote transmission level gauge.


  (5) When debugging the remote level gauge, we need to open the pilot valve above it to allow the medium to flow into the main duct in a uniform and stable state.


  (6) After installing the remote transmission level gauge, make sure that the 4mA current scale line on the remote transmission device and the zero scale of the remote transmission level gauge are at the same place, otherwise there will be errors in subsequent measurements.


  (7) The cable used for the remote transmission level gauge needs to be a shielded cable to prevent the surrounding electromagnetic interference from affecting the cable transmission signal.

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The above are some important principles in the use of the remote transmission level gauge. If we want to use the remote transmission level gauge, basically every principle must be followed. Nowadays, remote level measurement has become an important task, and the chemical industry has a relatively large demand for remote level gauges. If you want to buy a remote level gauge, you can contact us, I believe you will not be disappointed.

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